Pretty Pretty Pretty Good

Larry David

I love Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David created two of the funniest shows ever made in my opinion. Seinfeld got to a point of over saturation at one point for me where my dad and I were saying quotes to each other constantly and I could recall any …

Make It So

Star Trek - Make It So

I must admit that I’m not the biggest Star Trek fan. I don’t dislike it or anything, I’m just not that drawn to it. I’ve seen some episodes from the various series and several of the movies, and they are fan. It’s just not something I ever sat down and …

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

I’m not sure when it happened, but the genre known as Metroidvania quietly became one of my favorites. The prolific rise in …

Hitchhiking Ghosts

Hitchhiking Ghosts

Like a lot of people I love the Disney parks. I really haven’t been to them that many times, especially as an …



I’m a pretty big fan of RoboCop. I love the first two movies. They are the kind of movies where any time …